20th Century Fox’s recent adaption of the Japanese anime, Dragonball titled Dragonball Evolution is an insult to the creators and fans of the Japanese franchise. The adaptation rewrites the Dragonball legacy, leaving only a few elements from the original storyline intact; the studio executives just needed to find a writer to who could transform the abundance of Dragonball material into a script; if the studio executives had done that, they could have created a franchise that would rival Warner Brother’s Harry Potter franchise. The general rule of thumb is to stay loyal to the source material, whether it is a book, past movie or animation since there is already a devotee group of fans that want to see their materials adapted, not rebooted.
Adaptations should never reboot a franchise unless it is a dying franchise that needs to be revitalized, like the Star Trek franchise. The previous Star Trek movies have been unsuccessful so it stands to reason that the new Star Trek movie is a reboot, only when all options of faithful adaptations are explored should a producer even consider creating a different storyline because they run risk of alienating the existing fan base and destroying the franchise.
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